In the beginning of 2017, I made a promise to myself to put Werque By Dominique out there more. In an effort to make that happen, I’ve been happily saying yes to most networking events that I’ve been invited to. I’m quickly realizing that it’s important for me to put some concentrated effort in cultivating my network to propel my brand forward. As a new lifestyle blogger, it’s critical that I attend events that feature my target audience while simultaneously learning more about blogging, writing, entrepreneurship. This month, I’ve been to four awesome events by and for black millennial creatives.
The following events: Make·Do Launch, Life According to Her’s Switch, Pivot, or Quit Live Chat, NAABW’s For Us By Us Mixer, and Carefree Mag’s “You Are A Writer” event focused on creativity, community, sisterhood, entrepreneurship.
While attending these events I’ve learned some great networking tips that I’ll be using to move my brand forward. Check them out below, and learn more about the fabulous events I attended:
1. Be open minded: Don’t be that person who has negative vibes when coming into a room! Keep an open mind, you’ll never know who you’ll meet or what opportunity that will present itself to you.
2. Have your elevator pitch prepared: Think of it more as an ice-breaker. Your elevator pitch is the perfect conversation starter and it should be a summary of your interests, brand mission, and passions. When crafting your pitch, stick to the 4 C's: clear (objectives), concise (30-60 secs max), confident (eye contact), conversation (add a fact or comment that will keep the conversation going).
3. Make the connection: Step out of your comfort zone. You may be afraid to approach someone you want to network with but the best thing to do is feel the fear and do it anyway.
The following events: Make·Do Launch, Life According to Her’s Switch, Pivot, or Quit Live Chat, NAABW’s For Us By Us Mixer, and Carefree Mag’s You Are A Writer event focused on creativity, community, sisterhood, entrepreneurship.
Make·Do Launch Event: April 1st
Photo provided by Morgan H. Walker: @morganh.w
The platform, Make·Do, was created by Morgan Hickman Walker for woman of color to elevate and expand their brands while establishing community in the process. The Make·Do event included workshops to propel your digital audience like the one hosted by Vic Styles, called Elevate Your Brand: IG Like A Pro. In the workshop we learned how Vic Styles grew her following from 4K to 20K+ and earned $20K in additional income, how to organically grow a following and take amazing photos and curate a feed that’s authentically you.
Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Be passionate and invested in your brand but have the patience to watch your dream unfold.
Life According to Her’s Switch, Pivot, or Quit Live Chat: April 6th
The girls: Me, Anayo, Aimee Rancer, Candice Vanwnye
Aimee Rancer & I laughing at the fact that I pitched her for an influencer opportunity for a previous client a couple of years ago.
Before attending Life According to Her’s Switch, Pivot, or Quit live podcast chat, I was relatively new to Ahyianna Angel’s brand. But when I walked into the Spotify’s offices, I knew I was in good company. I immediately recognized my friend, Candice Vanwnye, who is the creator of Brown Girl Bloggers and Aimee Rancer, lifestyle blogger behind the Ohio Transplant. Both women shared their experiences with professional and personal development throughout the ebbs and flows of their careers. I appreciated how transparent the live podcast chat was and it encouraged me to ask pointed questions about my brand.
Takeaway: Don’t worry about your social media followers, focus on creating consistent and quality content.
For Us By Us—An NAABW Mixer: April 8th
NAABW’s mission is to empower black women through sisterhood global community service, and exposure. They believe that “adventurous is not limited to thrill seeking activities. Daring to live an inspired life, grounded in positivity, and in service to others, is an everyday adventure.
During the NAABW mixer, I enjoyed interacting fellow black women adventurists, creators, and entrepreneurs, while sipping rosé. It was felt great to be in a space full of innovation, passion and purpose. I was also able to bounce ideas for my brand and chat about future collaboration with NAABW.
Takeaway: Community is everything. Start engaging and connecting more.
Carefree Magazine’s You Are A Writer Fiction Workshop: April 15th
Anayo and I
This wonderful fiction workshop hosted by my friend, Anayo Awuzie, is near to my heart. During my time at Sarah Lawrence College, I fell in love with fiction writing but when I graduated, I stopped writing due to #adulting. I sat with dynamic women and shared some of my personal stories about living in Italy, my favorite authors, Kendrick Lamar’s new album and analyzed the beauty of hummingbirds. The experience was truly magical and I can’t wait for the next workshop!
Takeaway: Do what makes you happy. Your body and mind will thank you for it.
What events have you attended lately? Share your networking tips with me, in the comments below!