This blog is for you. The young woman who is exhausted after a 10-14-hour day in the office. The girl who is trying to juggle her professional life while still developing a social life. The young woman who is a social butterfly but also introverted. The girl who loves wine (especially rose). The girl who is relentless and won’t take no for an answer. The girl who started from nothing but is steadily making her way to the top. Werque by Dominique is for you ladies. Trust me I’ve been there and I am still actually there. My goal is to create a safe space for millennial women to discuss issues, triumphs and breakthroughs with one another while finding inspiration in life’s daily joys. Werque by Dominique is not only a bougie safe haven but also an ecosystem of support.
When my father passed away in 2013, I decided to live everyday purposefully with passion and vigor. I learned very quickly that death is on anyone’s doorstep and that life should not be taken lightly. My desire to provide advice for any millennial woman who are currently on the struggle bus of life or on the roller coaster of success.
140 Characters Hoax:
“Dominique please keep your tweets under 140 characters…make them 92 characters to include image and link.”
Nowadays Twitter allows images and bitl.y links to be included without reducing the 140-character count. I blame the 140-character count for not being able to write anymore. You’re probably thinking…if she can’t write then why did she create this blog? Truth moment: I decided to breathe life into Werque by Dominique to also revive my writing skills. Because I specialize in social media, most of my sentences are within 140-240 characters so I don’t usually get a chance to write AP styled paragraphs with perfect grammar (my Sarah Lawrence College professors would gag on their coffee if they read this.)
Tbh ya’ll, I am still establishing my writing voice and style given that I have now acquired so many different types of tones from the brands that I write copy for. I’m slowly becoming comfortable with writing blog posts that are longer than a couple sentences and I have to admit, it’s very challenging but it feels good. I encourage you to follow me along my journey of expanding my character/word limits, it’ll probably be bumpy but let’s be honest, who really has it ALL the way TOGETHER?
Come and figure it out with me.